Aside from the exceedingly rising costs of paying for a higher education, books, housing, food, and everything else that comes along with going away to college, many students feel the need to obtain their own transportation as well. While many students live on campus, not all do. Deepening the pressures of their studies, many also take on part time jobs to help with their expenses making it even more necessary for them to have their own reliable transportation to get them from place to place in a timely manner. But how likely are they to be approved for a loan when they have no credit? Believe it or not, very likely. Many lenders offer special auto loans specifically for college students that include several distinctive advantages spelled out to help a student with their needs and to build their credit rating.
Being that most students are young and have not yet had a chance to establish a credit rating, most have none. Many lenders realize this and are willing to take a chance on students whom are working hard to improve themselves and their education. By doing so the lenders are also willing to lower the standard approval requirements making it much easier for students to acquire necessary loans. Most are even willing to approve applicants that may seem risky in order for them to prove themselves worthy.
Knowing the demands of the average student, these loans often also come with a much lower interest rate and as well as have lower monthly payments throughout the life of the loan. This makes it much easier for students to keep up with their loan and more difficult for them to default on their loan further on down the road. In many cases, lenders may even be willing to lessen or disqualify other terms included in most other loans too.
Since the costs of a college education rises every year and most every student these days needs to have a student loan in order to further their education, lenders realize that requiring a large down payment is not necessarily a viable option. Typically the more risk a lender takes on, the higher the interest rate, making this yet another example of the flexibility lenders are willing to give to students. In some special cases or during limited promotions, some may even remove the down payment requirement all together.
Another advantage is the lack of a needed co-signer. Typically without a good credit rating, a co-signer is a must. Again, with college students, this is often not required. This is very good since finding someone willing to put their credit rating on the line is often times slim to none.